David Miscavige had an enemy followed… for 24 years

When LRH died, most in the inner circle of the Church of Scientology thought that the crown would pass to LRH’s loyal servant (or something) Pat Broeker and his wife Annie Broeker. How David Miscavige flanked the Broekers and assumed the throne in the Church of Scientology is another fascinacting story that you can find…

David Miscavige looks gaunt as he wraps up

For those wanting to experience the mind-fuck of listening to David Miscavige drone on for three years, there are several videos floating around the web to watch out for.  Namely, any of the events that the Church of Scientology throws each year.  I think there are at most 6 events per year now; decades ago…

Geir Isene – “I think he is a creative genius”

Geir Isene was once a very successfully member of the Church of Scientology and was even offered the #1 position in Scandinavian Scientology personally by David Miscavige.  However, this offer came out of the blue and didn’t mesh with Geir’s concept of Scientology ethics. So he refused David Miscavige face-to-face.  This caused an awkward scene…

Mike Rinder explains Ideal Org strategy

Mike Rinder was once the head PR man for the Church of Scientology, as well as heading up OSA for the Church.  OSA is the “dark arts” wing of the Church – the acronynm stands for Office of Special Affair – and its members engage in small-scale espionage and subterfuge.  That alone is pure craziness. Rinder…

Brunes Hines – “I consider him to be a sociopath”

One of the recent news features to air on the Church of Scientology which managed to reach a widespread audience was put together by Martin Bashir.  It was during this piece that Church of Scientology PR man Tommy Davis walked off set, and into the sunset for good.  The whole things is well worth watching,…

Chuck Beatty – “I thought he was a budding sociopath”

Chuch Beatty speaks with Jeffrey Augustine about how Miscavige rose to power and how he believes that LRH did not choose David Miscavige to be his successor. They talk about the asthma attack that brought on his cognition, “power is assumed,” and the events that followed which led to Miscavige assuming power, contrary to Hubbard’s…

Strange property deals in Pinellas county

I received two emails yesterday which I am posting here (in mildly edited form). Email #1 Strange goings on in the county public records at the appraisers office. Who buys chunks of land for 10 million that are worth only $500k ? I saw 3 transactions that were all with Triangle investments – $30M USD,…